Gupta Family’s Remarkable Kerala Vacation with Thrillophilia

Gupta Family’s Remarkable Kerala Vacation with Thrillophilia

It was not much work to find the best Kerala tour package and begin our packing spree to spend a week in God’s Own Country.

All four of us were travelling together after almost 5 years- the reason for this, as you all would realise, was the role of college and work in sending us away from our family. But as life took its own turn, we held its leash strong and made sure that we did not disperse forever.

It was after a long long time that we were travelling together, and the inspiration came mainly from my mother.

I, Amrita, had to pull a lot of emotional strings to make my father and my brother agree to play along. And the fact that my father’s colleagues were also insisting that he visited Kerala at least once in his lifetime, helped me big time!

And by the end of the trip, they thanked me duly for all the trouble I took to convince them. It was expected, I knew that the charm of Kerala would do wonders and make them see how important, soulful, and relaxing it is to go for a vacation every now and then.

Tick-Tock, let the clock STOP!

I immediately wished for the vacation to NOT end the moment we started on our journey from Kochi to Munnar. I wished for the time to freeze, and the road trip to continue endlessly…

Yes, the scenery was that beautiful, and the wind was magical too. I stuck out my head out of the car window despite my father asking me not to do so. It was so amazing to feel the cool gusts of wind on my face and hair. I closed my eyes, and let the moment seep into my bones.

When I opened my eyes the car stopped suddenly. Stepping out, I saw a lush green valley covered with tea plants, stretching into infinity. The clouds blurred the horizons, but the silhouette of the hills turned the vista into a surreal sight.

Munnar was all about rolling valleys, picturesque views, and lots of waterfalls!

Our visit to the Valara Waterfall was marked with a punctured tyre, so we were stranded in the idle of the road for almost an hour. It was a blessing in disguise, as it was sunset time and we could spot a spectacular view sitting at the edge of the road, together, in silence. It was no attraction point or any special place to be, but for us, at that moment, it was the most beautiful place on the face of the earth.

The next day, I woke up to my father and mother vibing to old retro songs and having tea.

I went up to them and saw they were already ready!

“Why are you ready this early in the morning"

“It's already 10, it's not at all early. You and your brother can never get up early, sleepyheads.”

“So you already went somewhere?”

“Yeah, me and your father went out for a nice walk in the neighbourhood. I feel like staying here forever, it's so beautiful!”

Hurrying up, I got ready and pestered my brother to do the same. Then we left for one of the most awaited parts of our trip- Thekkady!

We had a Periyar National Park tour scheduled by Thrillophilia for that day, and my excitement knew no bounds!

A Roar, A Trumpet, A Bleat

Our boat ride was enchanting!

We could hear so many birds chirping, with occasional whizzes and bleats of deer. The trumpets of elephants and the splashing of hippos were constant, but the most astonishing part was when we heard a long and loud roar.

Although we could not spot any tigers, we surely saw a lot of bison, crocodiles, long-tailed monkeys, and elephants. And on the elephant safari, we enjoyed some unparalleled views of the Periyar River and the sanctuary jungle.

After the ride, we stayed longer at the place where elephants were kept for safaris and saw the mahouts feed them, bathe them, and even play and communicate with them. It was so heartwarming to see humans interact so well with nature as if they both could understand each other inside out.

For some cultural experience, we decided to attend the Kalaripayattu show in Thekkady Kalari Centre, followed by a Kathakali show. Both of these performances offered us a deep insight into the folklore and the traditions of the region.

And to be honest, the colourful costumes and the elaborate stunts, movements, and ornaments, really intrigued me to study more about these artforms.

The spell of houseboat stays…

…Was cast on us the day we reached Alleppey for the backwater ride and stay. I wanted to go kayaking in the backwaters, but my brother was so uninterested that I had to drop the plan. I wouldn't have as much fun without him, I thought, so I resorted to another plan- Fishing!

Around late afternoon, me and my father (the only person who agreed to do this with me) sat down to fish from the houseboat itself. The boat’s caretaker provided us with all the required materials and even assisted us with some unique techniques of fish-catching.

We caught two big fish, which were cooked and served for dinner. The curry prepared by the caretaker was nothing less than heavenly, with a thick coconut milk base and curry leaves. We topped the dinner off with lots and lots of local chocolates that we had collected from a shop in Munnar.

An Ode To The Sea

Varkala’s beaches are nothing compared to those of Goa, Daman and Diu. They were much more vibrant, green, and clean! We spent ample time strolling on the beaches, trying huge coconuts, and tasting the local street food there. The ambience and the vibes were very peaceful.

Especially the sunset!

I did not expect this Kerala vacation to turn out so well, instilling a sense of calmness into all of us. We had become more patient with each other and more understanding too! But what I loved the most, was the fact that none of us mentioned work or college or home even once on this trip.

If this is not the success of a vacation, I don't know what is!

Read More: Thrillophilia Kerala Review