Harmony in the Himalayas: Krishna's Heartfelt Bhutan Journey Review with Thrillophilia

Harmony in the Himalayas: Krishna's Heartfelt Bhutan Journey Review with Thrillophilia

"Bhutan's beauty lies in its simplicity, in its ability to remain untouched by the chaos of modernity."

Hi, I am Krishna, and this is a travel story of me and my partner across our most beautiful neighbour Bhutan.

The first Hichki…

Since we wanted to try both the Bhutan border entry experiences: by air and by road, we took a flight to Paro International Airport. After getting off the plane and everything, my partner asked me, “Krishna, where is your Kindle?” And it alarmed me, I forgot it on the plane!

We headed back inside and reached out the desk and everything but the airport staff suggested that we reach out to the airlines instead. I thought I had lost it but she gave a call to Ayushi, our travel agent. She and her team then helped us by running an extra mile to get me my ebook back! Within an hour their calls with airlines helped ease my task of getting the lost item back quite easily.

Discovering Thimphu’s Treasures

We started our day in Thimphu with a sightseeing tour. Our first stop was the National Memorial Chorten, a peaceful place where the locals circled around, chanting prayers. The serenity here was something I hadn’t expected. Next, we made our way to the Buddha Dordenma, the massive statue that overlooks the entire valley. Standing at its feet, I felt dwarfed by its sheer size, while the panoramic views of Thimphu below took our breath away.

Our guide Mr. Sangay La then took us to the Motithang Takin Preserve, where we got a glimpse of the national animal, the Takin. Its odd mix of goat and cow features made us smile, and we learned the fascinating legend behind this unique creature.

Later, we visited Jigme, the famous foot artist of Bhutan. He showed us a collection of his finished pieces and offered to paint a small piece for us. “How about a landscape to remind you of Bhutan?” he asked, and we agreed, leaving with a unique memento of both the place and the artist.

Galloping to the Tiger's Nest

We woke up early for the much-anticipated Taktsang Monastery hike. After a short drive to Satsam Chorten, we met our guide and the horses that would take us halfway up.

My wife hopped onto a calm mare named Luma, while I got a spirited stallion named Chimi. From the start, I could tell Chimi had a mind of his own.

As we rode through the pine forest, Luma followed the trail steadily, but Chimi was eager to gallop ahead. My wife, noticing my struggles, laughed and suggested we switch horses for a bit. “Let’s see if Luma can keep you in check!” she said with a wink.

Once on Luma, I felt relieved, but Chimi didn’t like being left behind. He started dancing around, trying to nuzzle Luma, which made her a little jumpy. Suddenly, both horses were in a standoff, making the ride feel like an adventure!

After a few minutes of laughter, we managed to regain control and settled back into our original horses. As we reached the viewpoint of the Tiger’s Nest, the sight of the monastery clinging to the cliff took our breath away. It looked impossibly perched against the sky.

Later, we explored Ta Dzong, an ancient watchtower turned museum. The artefacts were fascinating, but the views from Rinpung Dzong below were breathtaking. As we walked around, I chuckled at our horse adventure, realising that the unexpected moments make for the best memories.

From Punakha to Phuentsholing

Our next adventure took us to Punakha, where the breathtaking dzong stood proudly at the confluence of two rivers. As we strolled through its gardens, I couldn't help but snap photos, feeling like a kid in a candy store. “This place is stunning,” I said, capturing every angle.

After soaking in Punakha, we headed to Paro. The routes were just beautiful but what added to its charm was the stories narrated by our driver and guide Mr. Karma La. The charming valley was alive with colourful shops and delightful cafes. We decided to try a local restaurant for lunch.

The aroma of spicy Ema Datshi filled the air. Being a Deepika Padukone fan this was a very awaited moment for my wife. “I can’t wait to taste the real deal!” she exclaimed. When our food arrived, we dove in, the flavours exploding in our mouths. “This is the best Ema Datshi I’ve ever had!” I declared, relishing the heat and creaminess.

“Right? I could eat this every day!” she laughed, enjoying her momos. We lingered over our meal, savouring each bite and sharing stories of our adventures.

Finally, we arrived in Phuentsholing, right at the India-Bhutan border. The lively atmosphere was a contrast to the serenity we had enjoyed. As we crossed back into India, I felt a twinge of sadness. “I’ll miss the calmness of Bhutan,” I admitted.

Over our final meal, we reminisced about our favourite moments. “Next time, let’s bring friends,” my wife suggested, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Our Experience with Thrillophilia

Starting from our first call with Mr. Anshuman followed by Ms. Ayushi, the approach to Thrillophilia was extraordinarily helpful. They provided basic information, cleared our queries, assisted us in customising the plan and also made necessary arrangements well in advance.

The itinerary was planned in such a way that there was no time wasted but we had sufficient time to spend at all places with scenic views - making this trip a memorable experience forever.