From Code to Cascades: Sheetal’s Soulful Meghalaya Escape Review with Thrillophilia

From Code to Cascades: Sheetal’s Soulful Meghalaya Escape Review with Thrillophilia

"We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us."

Being a bird of the concrete jungle means you fly out the moment you get a chance to escape. Yes! And this is my journey through a week-long escape with my partner and friends in one of the most enchanting destinations- Meghalaya.

The Wild Charm of Kaziranga

Kaziranga had been on my bucket list for years, and the thought of finally seeing a one-horned rhino had me wide awake before sunrise.

As we climbed into the jeep for our safari, my excitement was through the roof. "Rhino spotting or nothing!" I declared, much to the amusement of the others.

The early morning fog added an air of mystery to the sprawling grasslands. I spotted our first rhino in the distance, lazily munching on some grass. "There it is!" I whispered, trying not to jinx the moment. But of course, my excitement got the better of me, and before I knew it, I was snapping away, trying to get the perfect shot.

“What’s he thinking right now?” I asked, zooming in on the rhino’s calm face. "Probably wondering why humans are so obsessed with him," one of my friends quipped, and we all burst out laughing.

Beyond the rhino, Kaziranga offered us a breathtaking view of wildlife- herds of deer darting across the landscape, elephants lumbering in the distance, and birds showing off their plumage. The safari was everything I had hoped for, a perfect start to our Meghalaya adventure.

Bridges, Banter, and Breathtaking Views

When someone tells you there are 3,000 steps between you and one of nature’s wonders, you really start to reconsider your life choices.

"Are we really doing this?" I asked my friend, staring down the steep trail that would lead us to the Double Decker Root Bridge.

Spoiler alert: We did it, but not without a lot of complaints and laughter along the way.

The trek down was an adventure in itself. I may or may not have tripped a few times, and there was no shortage of teasing from the others. “At this rate, we’ll need a root bridge for you,” my partner joked. But as soon as we reached the bottom, all the grumbling stopped.

The bridge was incredible- two layers of living roots, woven together over centuries, creating this awe-inspiring structure.

And, crossing it was surreal. The water beneath was crystal clear, and the whole place felt like something out of a fantasy novel. I stood there, speechless for once, just soaking it all in. “Not bad for 3,000 steps,” I finally admitted with a grin. The climb back up was brutal, but I’ll never forget the feeling of accomplishment when we reached the top.

Worth every step.

Floating Over in Dawki’s Waters

I’d seen pictures of the crystal-clear waters of Dawki, but seeing it in person was a whole different experience.

As we stepped into the boat, it felt like we were floating on air. “If I jump in, I think I’ll land on a cloud,” I joked, staring down at the water so transparent it felt unreal.

We rowed slowly, just enjoying the peace and quiet. We rowed slowly, relishing the peace and quiet. Fortunately, we were lucky that there wasn’t much of a crowd around us, allowing us to fully soak in the beauty of our surroundings.

The reflection of the hills in the water made it feel like we were paddling through a dream. At one point, I leaned over the edge, watching the tiny fish darting below. "Are you trying to fall in?" my friend teased, pulling me back before I tipped over.

It wasn’t just the water that amazed me- the whole atmosphere in Dawki was magical. The way the sun hit the water, the lush green surroundings, and the pure calmness made it feel like time had stopped.

The Magic of Wei Sawdong Falls

Wei Sawdong Falls was unlike anything I’d ever seen. A hidden gem nestled deep within Meghalaya, the three-tiered waterfall was the kind of place you only find on postcards- except this time, we were there in person. As we hiked the last 200 metres to the falls, I could hear the roar of the water growing louder, and my excitement only built.

When we finally reached the viewpoint, the sight of the cascading water took my breath away.

“This is unreal!” I exclaimed, unable to tear my eyes away. My partner, ever the jokester, shot back, “If this doesn’t make our Instagram followers jealous, nothing will!” I couldn’t help but laugh, but he had a point- this view was pure magic.

We spent the next hour just soaking it all in. The water was so clear, and the falls so perfectly tiered, it looked like something out of a dream. At one point, we perched on the rocks, feet dangling over the edge, letting the cool mist refresh us. “You know,” he mused, “this makes all our past adventures feel like a warm-up. What are we going to do next- climb Mount Everest?”

I grinned, “Let’s just enjoy this one before we plot our next big adventure!” It was one of those rare, perfect moments where everything felt right with the world.

Why We Chose Thrillophilia?

See, I am a Software Engineer which means I know a lot of software engineers who do only two other things apart from running codes- sleeping or travelling. So that means I just had to reach out to the latter clan and ask them to recommend a few of the best travel companies.

Most suggested planning the whole trip by myself but when I told them I did not want to go through the whole hassle, I was recommended Thrillophilia!

So that’s how I embarked on my mesmerising journey through the enchanting landscapes of Meghalaya, accompanied by the comfort of a Toyota Innova and the distinctive culinary experience at various hotels.

This unconventional combination added a delightful twist to my travel adventure.

And so, I say that, once in a while, or whenever you find yourself caged, just fly away and fly far…

maybe to Meghalaya- The Abode of Clouds…

Read More: Thrillophilia Meghalaya Reviews