The Kashmir Diaries: Vikas’s Family Trip Review with Thrillophilia

The Kashmir Diaries: Vikas’s Family Trip Review with Thrillophilia

Ahhh, Kashmir!

Just the mention of it evokes so much beauty and serenity that you can't help but sigh in contentment.

Now, this wasn’t my first time visiting the valley, but the excitement was doubled because this time, I was experiencing it with my wife and two kids. Yes, my energetic son and curious daughter were about to see the beauty I’d always raved about.

This trip was also different, not just because we were travelling as a family, but because I’d planned it through Thrillophilia, ensuring that we got to experience Kashmir’s beauty in a personalised and unique way.

Rediscovering Kashmir’s Charm with My Family

Years ago, I roamed the valleys of Kashmir with my friends, staying in cosy cottages and mingling with the locals. Life was simple then, and Kashmir, untouched by time, had a raw beauty that had left me mesmerised.

Few years later, I visited Kashmir again with my wife, and that was a trip that made me wonder, "Who’s more beautiful, Kashmir or her?" But this time, it was special. I was not just visiting as a traveller but as a father.

Watching my kids' wide-eyed wonder as they took in the snow-capped mountains and the crystal-clear Dal Lake made me feel like I was seeing Kashmir for the first time ever.

And while my bachelor days of roughing it in local guest houses were fun, this time, I wanted comfort and adventure all rolled into one. And trust me, Thrillophilia didn’t disappoint.

Floating Through Time

One of the highlights of our trip was the famous Shikara ride on Dal Lake. We climbed aboard a beautifully carved boat, my kids bouncing with excitement while my wife leaned back to enjoy the cool breeze.

As the Shikara glided across the still waters, we passed floating gardens, quaint houseboats, and a colourful market right on the water. My son pointed out the mountains reflecting on the lake, wide-eyed and saying, "Dad, it looks like the mountains are swimming!" We all laughed, but honestly, that was exactly what it looked like.

The tranquillity of the lake, the distant hum of life, and the occasional chirping of birds—Kashmir really is a painting brought to life.

The boatman shared stories about the lake, some historical, some mystical. My daughter asked if the mountains had any secrets.

The boatman smiled and said, "Every peak has its story; you just have to listen carefully." Moments like these made the trip feel more than just sightseeing; it was an experience that connected us to the soul of Kashmir.

Pony Rides and Snowball Fights in Gulmarg

Gulmarg, with its rolling meadows and powdery snow, was our next stop. If you’ve ever wanted to feel like you’re in a real-life winter wonderland, this is the place to be.

As we made our way to Gulmarg, my son spotted horses, and his love for animals instantly came to life. He asked for a pony ride, and soon enough, both he and my daughter were trotting along with huge grins on their faces.

“Look, Dad! I’m a cowboy,” he yelled, while my daughter preferred to pretend she was a princess riding through the snow-covered fields.

The real fun began when we saw the snow. As soon as we got off the ponies, a snowball fight ensued. My wife, ever the graceful one, managed to avoid getting hit, while the kids and I pelted each other with snowballs until we were laughing so hard our sides hurt.

And then came the Gondola ride. Floating above the valley in Asia’s highest cable car, we watched the snowy peaks unfold like a scene straight out of a fairy tale. The views were breathtaking, and for a moment, everything seemed to pause as we took in the beauty from up high.

A Photoshoot Amidst Blossoms

When you’re in Srinagar, visiting the Mughal Gardens is a must.

As we strolled through Nishat Bagh and Shalimar Bagh, the rich history of the place seemed to echo through the air. The beautifully landscaped terraces, with cascading fountains and blooming flowers, were the perfect backdrop for family photos.

My wife, who has an eye for photography, took it upon herself to turn the walk into an impromptu photoshoot. The kids posed amid the flowers, running through the gardens like they owned the place. At one point, my son found a large fountain and pretended to be a statue, completely still with his arms outstretched, much to the amusement of onlookers.

While the kids had their fun, my wife and I sat under a Chinar tree, the golden leaves falling around us. "This is life," she said, her head resting on my shoulder. And honestly, in that moment, it truly was.

Lush Fields, River Trails and Bollywood Tales
Pahalgam was another place that surprised us all. Known as the 'Valley of Shepherds,' it was more than just scenic—it felt like stepping into a dream.

Our day started with a drive to Aru Valley, where we encountered some of the most breathtaking views of Kashmir. The kids ran ahead, eager to explore the meadows while we marvelled at the towering mountains surrounding us.

We then visited Betaab Valley, famous for its Bollywood connections.

My wife and I had a good laugh reminiscing about movies shot here, but for the kids, it was all about exploring the lush green fields and spotting the Lidder River snaking through the valley.

As we reached Chandanwari, my son, ever the adventurer, asked if we could visit the snow bridge. We didn’t go too far, but just standing at the starting point of the Amarnath Yatra trail, knowing the spiritual significance of the place, gave us all a sense of awe.

Farewell, But Not Goodbye
Our last day in Srinagar was bittersweet. After a hearty breakfast on the houseboat, we packed our bags, but none of us were ready to leave. Kashmir had worked its magic on us once again.

The trip wasn’t just about the places we visited; it was about the memories we made, the laughs we shared, and the moments of peace we found in each other’s company.

As we boarded the flight back home, my daughter looked out of the window and said, "Dad, when can we come back?" I smiled and replied, "Soon, sweetheart, soon." Because one thing’s for sure—Kashmir always leaves you wanting more.

Read more: Thrillophilia Kashmir Reviews